Things I am terrible at

Tuesday, December 13, 2016

Hi Lovelies

Remember when we were younger we thought we could do everything? That there was nothing that we couldn't do? Fast forward 20 years and you know for a fact that there are things we are terrible at. Some seem trivial while others we try every day to master. But no matter how hard you try, it ain't never going to happen. Below are some of the things that I am terrible at.

Wearing heels

I love most girly things, like any girl. But the one thing I have never mastered and will never is heels. I don't own any heels. I am a flats and sneakers kind of gal. It's not that I have never tried, believe me I have. I just can't deal with the pain of walking in them the whole day. I want to be comfortable and don't do well with sore feet.

Winged Eyeliner

The unimaginable. A makeup artist who can't do winged liner... well not on myself but on clients it is sharp as a knife. I find it so hard to do it on myself. I have found a way to kinda do it but if you ask me to do it free hand, I'm screwed. 

Icing a cake

I pride myself in baking a tasty chocolate cake and love baking. But I truly suck at icing anything. I have all the fancy piping equipment and I have watched countless icing videos on YouTube but alas I can't ice. If anyone knows of a great way to help me master icing, please let me know below.

Controlling my sailor mouth

When I meet someone for the first time, I seem very polite. No foul words to be found, but once I am comfortable around you, I become a sailor. No word is left out from my vocab. My family and friends have learnt that it isn't going to change but I will admit that at certain friends houses I try my best to control it.

Making small talk

I hate small talk. I hate the awkward first talks when you are meeting someone for the first time. I know that is how you get to know someone but I am more of an in depth, soul searching conversationalist. I wanna talk about the deep stuff, finding out what makes you tick and talking till 3 am.

Talking on the phone

Ever get nervous when you have to call someone you have never spoken to before? Even though my job entails that I have to answer and make calls, I still get nervous doing it. When someone calls on my cellphone that I don't know, I won't answer the phone. I stutter even though I don't have a stutter and my palms get sweaty. 

Keeping plants alive

I have no green thumbs or fingers or whatever it is that you call it. I can't even keep a cactus alive having killed numerous little ones. Now that has to tell you something. Although my grandparents and my mother all do well in that department. I definitely didn't get that gene.

Staying off Pinterest

I am seriously terrible at this. I swear most of my data is spent on Pinterest and because of it I have like 5000 photos on my phone (thank goodness for the 128GB iPhone). I love looking at beautiful pictures and when I am bored I scroll through the pictures. It is kind of like therapy for me.

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