My happiness in the darkest of times

Wednesday, December 7, 2016


Hi Lovelies

What a year it has been. A few ups and many downs. Losing two loved ones, retrenchment and a host of other different things. I don't think I have ever wanted a year to end more than this one. But here we are, going through the motions, and learning to cope and come out stronger.

With all the downs, there has to be something that makes me happy now, right? There is a handful of things that keep me happy and help to forget about everything.

My angel son

I have to admit that this year has been hard. There were many times where I honestly wanted to give up. I know that it isn't right to think like that, but sometimes it all just gets too much. No matter how close I came, my little angel boy was the one reason I never did anything. I love that little boy so much. He is my world. And no matter what he always knows how to put a smile on my face. 

Spending time with family

If there is one thing that can make you forget about all your problems, it is spending time with people who love you the way you are. Laughing and joking, the hugs, the understand and the being together. It all helps to put things into perspective.

Cappuccino's at my favorite coffee shop

When I need to get away from it all, nothing helps more in that precise moment, than having a cappuccino at my favorite coffee shop. Friendly staff and managers that know how to make you feel at home and treat you like family. Definitely my go to place.

Reading a good book

How do you escape from reality? You read a good book. One that takes you far away from the world you live in and into a fantasy land. I've never been one to read biographies but rather romance, fantasy and young adult novels. Escaping into someone else's life, really does help. And sometimes it can even give you a bit of perspective of your own life. 

My blog

I didn't realise how much I missed my blog or should I say blogging until I start this blog. Creating posts, taking images and creating an atmosphere has helped keep me sane and happy. I am definitely glad that I started blogging again. 

Always remember; Happiness can be found even in the darkest of times, if one only remembers to turn on the light! If you liked this post, please comment below and share what makes you happy in the darkest of times. 

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