One Word for 2017

Monday, January 2, 2017


New Year’s resolutions never work, we all know that. By the second week we have forgotten all the goals we wanted to make for the year. I came across this wonderful concept of choosing ONE word that will describe your whole year. It will be your guiding light through times of hardship and times of joy. One word that will encompass who you are and who you want to become.

So how do you choose a word? A word that will be perfect for you? There is this amazing website called  It gives you a step by step of how to choose your word. Here is a quick breakdown.

Step 1

Determine the kind of person you want to become.

Is there anything about yourself you want to change? I know I want to be the kind of person who knows what they want, who trusts themselves and their abilities. I’m turning 30 and want to have my shit together.

Step 2

Identify the characteristics of the person you want to become.

What are the words you want to use to describe yourself? For me those words are self-assured, confident, strong and motivated.

Step 3

Pick your word.

After figuring out the kind of person you want to be and the characteristics of person you want to become, it is now time to choose a word that reflects this.

I took a long time to choose my word but it finally came to me. I have struggled with being enough since I was young. Never being what everyone wanted, not in my personal life and not in my professional life. Thus, my word for 2017 is:

I will be enough for myself. I am good enough for whatever life throws at me. No matter how hard life gets or the obstacles I will face. I am good enough.

I would love to hear your one word for 2017, why not leave a comment below telling me why you choose your word.

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